Hama Relaunch in 12 Countries

Who is Hama?

Hama’s 100-year history began with photo chemicals. Today, Hama is a leading provider in the fields of smart home and smartwatches, as well as accessories for smartphones, audio, TV, PC, and laptops.


As part of establishing a direct-to-consumer sales strategy to complement traditional distribution, Hama aimed to position the brand closer to the end customer, increase brand awareness, and significantly boost online visibility. To achieve these goals, we first conducted an audit to identify the measures with the greatest and fastest success potential. Alongside a Moccu content strategy, we determined that redesigning the website would be an effective measure. The redesign complements the content strategy, enabling it to realize its full potential.


In addition to the new content strategy, the website needed to be conceptually and visually redesigned. The newly generated online visibility and resulting traffic should be effectively used to generate attention for Hama products and increase sales. This also includes cleverly linking content with the product portfolio. A particular challenge was that there would be no classic relaunch. Instead, the site was gradually revised, starting with the homepage and the top-line categories—the areas with the highest traffic.


A team of UI, UX, and SEO experts worked in an agile process to redesign the website. We proceeded as follows:

  1. Modules and Templates: The new content from the SEO content strategy required new presentation options. Existing modules were revised.
  2. Optimization of Key Areas: We introduced a new, user-friendly navigation. Additionally, a teaser concept was developed to improve user guidance.
  3. Design Pattern Library: We built a comprehensive design pattern library for the new UI design, bringing the technical foundation of the website to a current, top-notch level. This facilitates the developers’ work.
  4. Homepage and Top-Line Categories: As the central element of the brand experience, the homepage went online first. For many users, the homepage is the first contact that significantly shapes brand perception and leads to various areas.
  5. Rollout: The newly designed modules and page types were then applied to the entire website. This was followed by the international rollout.


The new Hama homepage with the top-line categories and new modules went live first. In the following weeks, the new design was gradually applied to the entire website.

The newly designed modules on the Hama website deliberately direct user attention. Visually appealing elements and clear structures ensure that the most important content is immediately noticed. The modules convey Hama’s brand values and intuitively lead users to the relevant shop areas. This way, users quickly find what they are looking for and experience a consistent brand experience.

We successfully translated dynamic elements — such as the newly developed scroll animation — and Hama’s colorful CI into accessible web design using the latest technical standards.

The phased relaunch proved beneficial for Hama: initial parts went live very quickly, and overall costs were kept within a tight budget. A fact that doesn’t come by surprise, since this approach is increasingly used when working with design systems.

International Rollout

Due to the positive results and significant improvements, Hama decided to roll out the new design internationally. The website is now available in its new design in 12 additional countries. This strengthens Hama’s international brand presence and improves global customer outreach.


Would you like to make your offer visible and multiply your traffic? Contact us.

Björn Zaske Managing Director & Partner

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