Customer Experience

A well thought-out CX strategy ensures that your customers feel comfortable and keep coming back to you.


  1. Customer Experience: Definition
  2. CX digital: methods, text/design, eCommerce
  3. Customer Experience Management
  4. Develop a CX strategy

What is customer experience (CX)?

Customer experience (CX) encompasses all the impressions that your customers gather during their interaction with your brand. Whether they use your product, visit your website, make a purchase in your online store, have a consultation or contact support—every encounter with your brand leaves a positive or negative impression that shapes their perception and influences future interactions.

Customer experience therefore means precisely recognizing and meeting the needs of your customers in order to offer them a positive experience with every contact.

Difference between CX and UX

Customer Experience

  • Overall experience (end-to-end) and relationship with a brand, from initial contact to long-term customer loyalty
  • Covers the entire customer journey across all touchpoints

User Experience

  • Digital interaction experience before, during and after use, but not beyond that
  • Focuses on the individual interaction with a product or service
  • Includes use on various devices

Why a positive customer experience makes all the difference

In a market that is becoming increasingly competitive and where products and services are barely differentiated, the positive customer experience is becoming more and more important. Your product may be interchangeable, but the experiences and emotions that your customers associate with your brand are definitely not.

Customers want to be delighted. They are characterized by positive experiences with brands that offer an outstanding customer experience—and expect the same from your brand.

Customer experience should therefore not just be the proverbial icing on the cake of your corporate strategy. It is an important element of an effective growth strategy and a key factor in ensuring your competitiveness.

It is therefore crucial that your company continuously thinks and acts in a customer-centric way. The keyword is "customer centricity". Your customers must be at the center of all company activities.

The empathy map is a helpful tool for this. It helps you to really focus on your customers and better understand their needs.

To meet this challenge, you need a well-thought-out CX strategy and a fundamental understanding of your target group and their needs. Only those who know exactly what their customers expect can fulfill them—or even better: exceed them!

Because an improved customer experience (CX) is directly linked to your business success: a positive customer experience strengthens long-term customer relationships and makes your company stand out from the competition—which ultimately increases your sales.

CX digital: methods, text/design, eCommerce

The customer experience covers all touchpoints with your brand—both online and offline. As a digital agency, our focus at Moccu is naturally on the digital customer experience. For a successful digital commerce strategy, we rely on customized measures in customer experience marketing to inspire your customers.

This includes, for example, creating a positive content experience. Relevant and attractively presented content attracts the attention of your target group and keeps them coming back.

We also optimize purchasing processes from the first digital contact with your brand through to completion in the online store. Every click, every scroll, every moment counts—and we make sure that these moments are positive and seamless.

Exemplary user journey for our client Hama: from Google click to purchase in the online store

However, a digital customer experience is no longer just an issue for brands with their own online store. No matter what industry you are in, the digital impression of your brand is crucial. Because more and more interactions are taking place online these days.

Customer experience in eCommerce

Control customer orientation in your company with Customer Experience Management (CXM or CEM)

Customer experience management describes all strategic measures aimed at promoting a positive customer experience at all touchpoints with your brand.

For Kleinanzeigen, for example, we have optimized the touchpoint in the support area with sophisticated UX and service design so that users can find solutions to their problems quickly and conveniently.

But before such external successes become visible, the work begins inside your company. Customer experience managers must ensure that all processes within a company are customer-centric. This also means promoting an awareness of customer centricity among all employees.

Our experience shows: This internal task is no small matter. Whether online or offline—put your users at the center, not your product. Successful customer experience management can only be achieved if every department internalizes this credo.

Using digital customer experience management (DCXM) correctly

As the name suggests, digital customer experience management (DCXM) is about the continuous improvement of all digital touchpoints along the customer journey. This extension of classic customer experience management focuses on ensuring that your customers enjoy seamless experiences on your website, in the online store, in apps, newsletters, on social media or in online customer support when using chatbots (beware, high potential for frustration).

Nowadays, users interact with your brand via numerous digital channels. A positive customer experience therefore requires a multichannel or omnichannel approach with a consistent brand presentation across all channels and the careful coordination of all stakeholders.

The technical aspect also plays a greater role in the digital space. Long loading times are annoying, poor filter systems in the online store are a deterrent, and the lack of payment options such as Klarna or PayPal can put customers off.

Sounds interesting?

Are you looking for support in optimizing your digital customer experience?

Customer relationship management vs. customer experience management: a strong duo

Customer relationship management (CRM) and customer experience management (CXM) have the same goal: to attract loyal, returning customers and retain them for the brand. Efficient customer relationship management contributes to a positive experience, while a positive customer experience naturally also promotes the customer relationship.

CRM means using strategic measures and software solutions to organize and analyze data. This allows you to carry out targeted marketing campaigns and retain customers in the sales funnel. In short, CRM optimizes sales and marketing processes and delivers quantitative results.

CXM is more comprehensive and aims to ensure positive customer experiences across all touchpoints. It is about optimizing every interaction with your brand in order to generate enthusiasm and strengthen brand loyalty. CXM primarily provides qualitative insights and can evaluate and learn a lot from the measured CRM data.

CRM and CXM are not opposites, but partners. Integrate both approaches to create real added value for your customers and your company.

Many companies have now understood that a positive customer experience is of central importance. However, this is precisely why many of them are jumping on this bandwagon without thinking—worried about losing touch. The result? Inefficient customer experience management that costs a lot and delivers little ROI.

It is therefore important not to react hastily, but to develop a well thought-out CX strategy.

How to develop a CX strategy for long-term success

Improve the digital customer experience: Practical tips

Have you designed a CX strategy and already taken initial measures? Here are some tips from our daily project work that can help you to further optimize the digital customer experience.

Get valuable feedback: switch surveys

Your target group knows best what they expect at the various touchpoints with your brand. Surveys are therefore an effective tool for improving the customer experience, as they provide direct feedback.

This allows you to determine which aspects of the user experience are appreciated and where there is room for improvement. At the same time, your customers feel valued, which promotes customer loyalty.

Surveys can be integrated at various points in the customer journey, for example after a purchase or support contact, in order to obtain valuable feedback.

Personalization: Creating tailor-made experiences

Customers appreciate customized experiences that meet their needs.

With the help of digital analytics and segmentation, you can understand the behavior of your target group and make personalized recommendations. This includes suitable product suggestions based on past purchases or products viewed in the online store, individually tailored emails and targeted recommendations for relevant advice content.

Interactive advice tools at Guided Selling also offer personalized suggestions and help your customers find the right products.

Offer products where customers want to buy

For D2C brands, their own online store often forms the core of their business model. However, a seamless customer experience also means providing products where it is most convenient for your customers.

Omnichannel strategies allow you to offer your products and services via different platforms and channels—be it via your own store, marketplace platforms, social media or apps. This allows you to reach your customers exactly where they want to buy. Find out more in our article Increase sales.

An omnichannel strategy provides consistent experiences at every touchpoint, including marketing and customer care. A design system can help to implement a consistent brand image, thereby building trust and strengthening customer loyalty.

Recognize problems early: Test early, test often

An important motto when optimizing the customer experience is: test early, test often. A successful CX strategy is based on an iterative process. By testing new functions, designs and content at an early stage, potential problems can be identified and rectified before they affect the customer experience.

Regular tests allow you to react quickly to changes in customer behavior or new technologies. A/B tests and usability tests are particularly helpful here. Continuous feedback and regular strategy adjustments ensure agility and ensure that you can respond to your customers' needs accordingly.

Still have questions? Arrange a meeting now.

Stephanie Wölke UX Design Lead

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