To deliver relevant content, it is of course essential to clearly define your target audience. Trying to appeal to a broad, diverse group can lessen your impact, so we recommend developing detailed buyer personas. The more directly your content speaks to a specific audience, the greater your chances of reaching qualified users and potential customers.
In content marketing, the focus isn’t on your product – it’s always on the user and their needs. This is especially true if you’re using content as part of a D2C strategy; your company’s entire approach should be centered on understanding and meeting customer needs.
Even though the ultimate goal might be sales, avoid producing content as if it’s just a billboard for your products or solutions. Instead, think about your content from a "help-first" perspective, aiming to provide what Google calls helpful content in its guidelines.
Take a data-driven approach
Avoid relying on assumptions or guesswork – whether you’re developing buyer personas, choosing content topics, or planning distribution. Successful content marketing is always data-driven.
Use market research, gather insights from user surveys, conduct A/B testing, and leverage tools like Mouseflow and Google Analytics. Content creation should also be grounded in thorough SEO keyword research, but remember to consider the search intention behind those keywords to truly align with what users are seeking.